Total Drama Our Way Wiki


(Don) : Last time on The Ridonculous Race
(Don) : We went to Bangkok, home of Muay Thai, weird food, and also the Sisters
(Don) : While some teams did well in the Muay Thai showdown
(Don) : Some were pathetic!
(Don) : Amy and Zoey finished first, with Dave and Skipp riding their coat tails once again
(Don) : And we almost said a long awaited goodbye to Vin and Billy
(Don) : But it was a non-elimination round
(Don) : But today, someone WILL be going home
(Don) : Who will it be?
(Don) : Tune in to find out on..
(Don) : The Ridonculous Race!
(music) INTRO  (music)
(stop) TALK  (stop)

10:04 The Villainous Vulture

(Jared) : Niggers.

10:05 TrueCobalion

(Jo) Pff

10:05 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Existing or some shit*

10:05 TrueCobalion

(Brick) looks like we doeminated the last challenge

10:05 Lettucecow

(VIN) *conf* has gauze wrapped around his head and sling on his arm* really.

10:05 Glenn31

(Emma) : *points out that they're on top of the tallest building in Bangkok and Dave could easilly push her off*

10:05 Lettucecow

(billy) *conf* Sorry.
(vin) *conf* REALLY? 
(billy) *conf* SORRY!

10:05 Glenn31

(Amy) : *Danging Jay off the roof with a fishing rod* ^_^

10:05 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Not caring*
(Dave) : Oh, sorry about hitting you. Just sayin.

10:06 Glenn31

(Amy) : *drops the rod and walks over to Dave*
(Amy) : You ok?

10:06 Lettucecow

(jay) *conf* Mickey! MICKEY! MICKEY! CAN YOU HEAR ME?
(mickey) *conf* Whatttt?

10:06 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Yeah?

10:06 Lettucecow

(jay) *conf* jeez, bianca really messed him up.

10:07 TrueCobalion

(jo) *zzzz*

10:07 Glenn31

(Amy) : You seem a little... out of it

10:07 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : How?

10:07 Glenn31

(Amy) : Quiet... not caring...

10:08 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Meh

10:08 Glenn31

(Amy) : What happened to the guy who stepped on his own girlfriend to win back on the island?
(Don) : I mean, if you really TRIED
(Amy) *
(Amy) : You could get rid of her

10:08 Lettucecow

(skipp) Guys, everyone needs to chill their chi.

10:08 TrueCobalion

(jo) skipp your fucking weird

10:09 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Meh

10:09 Glenn31

(Amy) : *injects Skipp with Red Bull* omfg

10:09 TrueCobalion

(jo) where did your crazy self go skipp

10:09 Lettucecow

(skipp) I've taught dave some coping techiques

10:09 TrueCobalion

(brick) stahp

10:09 Glenn31

(Amy) : She's the only thing between you and another million dollars

10:09 Lettucecow

(skipp) Hes well on his way to a monk

10:09 TrueCobalion

(brick) *makes Skipp down an entire jug of Red Bull*

10:10 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Meh.

10:10 Glenn31

(Amy) : *fucking grabs Dave* Look

10:10 TrueCobalion

(Brick) *conf* well
(Jo) *conf* Someones going to have disadvantages...

10:10 Glenn31

(Amy) : You're slacking
(Amy) : And as much as I'D rather win, you need to at least try get rid of her
(Amy) : She's becoming a problem for the rest of us now too

10:11 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : ...
(Dave) : ...........Meh.

10:11 Glenn31

(Amy) : *slaps Dave*

10:11 Lettucecow

(skipp) relaxing like a true guru

10:11 Glenn31


10:11 Lettucecow

(skipp) a satisfied guru.

10:11 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Ow.

10:11 Lettucecow references ftw 10:12 Glenn31

(Amy) : *pushes Skipp over the edge of the roof tbh*

10:12 The Villainous Vulture 2satisfaction4u 10:12 Glenn31

(Amy) : I can't believe you're listening to SKIPP over your own mind

10:12 Lettucecow

(skipp) wait wait wiat
(skipp) who is...skipp?

10:12 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : I'm not listening to him

10:12 Lettucecow

(skipp) I'm santiago

10:12 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : I'm just out of shits to give

10:12 Glenn31

(Amy) : *hands Skipp a cup of Red Bull* Have some uh.. herbal tea

10:13 Lettucecow

(skipp) back i the day I used to be dealing drugs in mexico city
(skipp) but about 30 years ago I saw what I did wrong
(skipp) So now I'm chilling

10:14 Glenn31

(Amy) : Ugh
(Amy) : Forget it! *storms off*

10:14 TrueCobalion

(jo) ew your a drug dealer?

10:14 Glenn31


10:14 TrueCobalion

(brick) u ain't cool anymore, skipp *walks off*

10:14 Lettucecow

(skipp) and leaving on the residue of coke profits like a master

10:14 Glenn31 someone get Boys 10:14 Lettucecow FYI 10:14 Glenn31 Amy needs her sidekick pls 10:14 Lettucecow Skipp's actually like 16 10:14 Glenn31 ok 10:14 Lettucecow hes just delusional as a hippe tbh 10:14 Glenn31

(Don) : Amy and Zoey, take your tip pls
(tip) : Fly to Oslo, Norway and search the airport for your next tip
(Amy) : Um, were we not JUST in Finland?

You're Irrelevant. has left the chat. 10:15 Glenn31

(Amy) : Norway's like, right beside Finland... why did we even come out here?
(Don) : idfk
(Amy) : Fine *gives Dave a "you know what to do" look and leaves*
(Don) : Dave and Skipp

10:16 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Um, wat

10:16 Lettucecow

(skipp) *talking with dave* I was a real master with those ak-47's back in the day, yup

10:16 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Grabs the tip and goes plz*

10:16 Glenn31

(Don) : Jared and Cody

10:16 TrueCobalion you skipped jo and brick 10:16 Lettucecow

(cody) *takes the tip and runs off with Jared*

10:17 The Villainous Vulture

(jared) : *Goes doe*

You're Irrelevant. has joined the chat. 10:17 You're Irrelevant. had to pay my phone bill oops

(zoey) ; So tf am i doing

10:17 Glenn31

(Amy) : We're going to Norway
(Amy) : And Dave's finally giving a crap I guess?
(Don) : Jo and Brick

10:17 TrueCobalion

(jo) way to skip me don
(brick) -.- *grabs tip*

10:18 Glenn31

(Don) : Shh
(Don) : Jay and Mickey

10:18 Lettucecow

(mickey) what?

10:18 Glenn31

(Don) : Your tip?

10:18 Lettucecow

(jay) *facepalms and grabs the tip*
(mickey) I can't hear you!
(jay) *drags him away*

10:18 Glenn31

(Don) : Emma and Kitty
(Emma) : Ugh. Second last *grabs tip* Norway? But we were just- Nevermind. *leaves*
(Don) : And Finally, Vin and Billy

10:19 You're Irrelevant. WAIT MY MOMS TAKING ME FOR FOOD 10:19 Glenn31

(Don) : Oh and the White Girls

10:19 Lettucecow

(vin) why did we even go from Finland, to thailand, then to norwway?

10:19 Glenn31 TELL UR MOM TO GO FUCK HERSELF GIRL 10:19 You're Irrelevant. ITS CLOSE ITLL TAKE LIKE 5 MINUTES AT THE LEAST 10:20 Glenn31 well darling you're not important rn so we'll carry on 10:20 Lettucecow

(vin) I mean really

10:20 Glenn31

(Don) : The plane is in the air, and some teams are talking stategy

yes stategy

(Amy) : Psst! Dave!

10:20 The Villainous Vulture

(Jared) : *Sleeping because naw*

10:20 Lettucecow


10:21 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : What?

10:21 Lettucecow

(mickey) what?
(jay) ugh.

10:21 Glenn31

(Amy) : *motions for him to come over*

10:21 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Walks th*

10:21 Glenn31

(Amy) : So
(Amy) : Are you going to try get rid of her?
(Emma) : *wearing headphones tbh*

10:21 Lettucecow

(jay) *gets out a random megaphone and screams in mickey's ear*

10:21 Glenn31

(Kitty) : *asleep*

10:21 Lettucecow

(jay) there we go.
(mickey) JEEZ!

10:22 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Sure?
(Dave) : How the fuck would I do that?

10:22 Glenn31

(Amy) : I don't know, sabotage them? Slow them down as much as you can

10:22 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Sure. Why not.

10:22 TrueCobalion

(Jo) ;_; I can't sleep

10:23 Glenn31


10:23 Lettucecow

(skipp) if you chi-masters are alright with it, I call some of my buddies from Guadalajara.

10:23 TrueCobalion

(Brick) : ?

10:23 Glenn31

(Don) : Today's leg has two challenges, so one of you is going to get a Boomerang
(Don) : If you get a Boomerang, you'll be able to send one team back to repeat the first challenge
(Amy) : Oooo, that sure sounds useful

10:24 The Villainous Vulture

(Jared) : *Pulls out a boomerang* Here ya go

10:24 TrueCobalion

(Jo) Fun

10:24 Glenn31

(Don) : Not that.

10:24 The Villainous Vulture

(Jared) : *Pulls out a different one* This?

10:24 Lettucecow

(cody) try the spiky one!

10:24 Glenn31

(Don) : No. Nobody has it yet.

10:24 TrueCobalion

(Brick) *has a boomerang movie* how bout this!

10:24 Lettucecow

(cody) aw

10:24 Glenn31

(Don) : The plane has landed in Norway!
(Emma) : There's the Don Box!

10:25 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Pushes Emma out of the way doe*

10:25 Glenn31

(Emma) : Gah!

10:25 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Grabs the tip*

10:25 Lettucecow

(skipp) Lets do this bro!

10:25 TrueCobalion

(Jo) *grabs tip*

10:25 Glenn31

(tip) : BOOMERANG Get to the Tundra by Snowmobile and find your next travel tip

10:25 TrueCobalion

(Jo) Boobmerang eh?

10:25 Glenn31

(Don) : The other teams don't know this, but Dave and Skipp now have the boomerang, and can send someone back to repeat the first challenge

10:25 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Runs for dat*

Wait wat 10:26 TrueCobalion

(Brick) Aw what!?

10:26 Glenn31 THE OTHER TEAMS DON'T KNOW THIS c: 10:26 TrueCobalion ohhhh 10:26 Glenn31

(Emma) : *grabs a tip* No boomerang! Great!
(Kitty) : Maybe someone we like has it?

10:26 TrueCobalion

(Brick) *runs doe*

10:26 Glenn31

(Emma) : Let's just get out there quick

10:26 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Runs tbh*

10:27 Lettucecow

(mickey) *grabs a tip, he and jay run off*

10:27 Glenn31

(Emma) : *le shoves Dave and hops on a snowmobile*

10:27 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Throws a chunk of ice at Emma's head*

10:27 TrueCobalion

(Jo) *steals a random snowmobile and drives it*

10:27 Glenn31

(Emma) : !!!! *speeds off tho suck it*

10:27 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Slides on teh ice with momentum af*

10:28 Lettucecow

(jay) *driving the snowmobile* pretty hard to handle...

10:28 Glenn31

(Emma) : *arrives at the tundra place and finds the Don Box*

10:28 Lettucecow

(mickey) watch for polar bears!
(jay) we're in norway

10:28 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Slides past Emma and shoves her again*

10:28 Lettucecow

(mickey) oh right

10:28 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Grabs the tip*

10:28 Glenn31

(Tip) : Botch or Watch - Whoever didn't fight in Thailand must build an ice sculpture of their partner

10:28 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Well, get going, Skipp

10:28 TrueCobalion

(Brick) Ugh

10:28 Lettucecow

(skipp) Nice bro.

10:29 Glenn31

(Kitty) : I have to make an ice sculpture of you?

10:29 Lettucecow

(skipp) I majored in the arts

10:29 TrueCobalion

(Jo) Get going, soldier.

10:29 Glenn31

(Emma) :  :D
(Kitty) : *starts then I guess*

10:29 The Villainous Vulture

(Jared) : *Gets there with Cody*

10:29 Lettucecow

(skipp) *starts whipping a statue up*

10:29 The Villainous Vulture

(Jared) : PACK THAT ICE! 

10:29 Lettucecow

  • the twins get to the tundra*

10:29 TrueCobalion

(Brick) *begins grabbing ice* do we have to use tools or our hands?

10:29 Lettucecow

(jay) ice sculpture huh? Alright.

10:29 Glenn31

(Don) : ...
(Don) : Yes.

10:29 TrueCobalion

(Brick) : ...

10:29 Glenn31

(Kitty) : *carves out Emma's booty*

10:30 Lettucecow tools or hands? lol 10:30 Glenn31

(Emma) : Ok no, that's WAY too big

10:30 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Meh, looks pretty accurate.

10:30 Glenn31

(Kitty) : *chops off da booty*
(Kitty) : You've been looking at her butt?

10:30 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : ...
(Dave) : Um, no?

10:30 Glenn31

(Kitty) :  ;)

10:30 Lettucecow

(billy) *digging up snow like a dog*
(mickey) *gets snow in his eye* MY EYE! MY EYE!

10:31 Glenn31

(Amy) : *sculpting Zoey* this isn;t fun

10:31 Lettucecow

(jay) huh-oh come ON
(mickey) *his whole face turns blue FROSTBITE!

10:31 The Villainous Vulture


10:31 Glenn31

(Kitty) : Now I just need to do the head!

10:31 TrueCobalion

(Brick) Almost there!

10:31 Glenn31

(Emma) : Hurry! Skipps almost done!

10:32 Lettucecow

(cody) *sculpting jared holding an AK-47 and a Qu'ran while standing over Jesus's corpse*

10:32 TrueCobalion

(Brick) Just need that forehead!

10:32 Glenn31 oh dear 10:32 The Villainous Vulture

(Jared) : Perfect  (die)

10:32 Lettucecow

(cody) knew you'd like it

10:32 TrueCobalion

(Brick) Shit! *begins sculpting the forehead*
(Brick) I DID IT?

10:32 Lettucecow

(skipp) *finishes sculpting dave*
(skipp) DUDE!

10:32 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Excellent.

10:32 TrueCobalion

(Jo) I think so

10:32 Glenn31

(Don) : Dave and Skipp can move on!
(Emma) : CRAP!

10:33 Lettucecow

(skipp) Lets do this! Chi up!

10:33 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Goes tbh*

10:33 Glenn31

(Kitty) : Finishes!
(Kitty) : Come on!
(Emma) : *jumps on dat snowmobile*

10:33 TrueCobalion

(Jo) *gets on snowmobile and drives*

10:33 Glenn31

(Emma) : *speeds off and splashes snow at Dave*
(Emma) : Wait...

10:33 Lettucecow

(skipp) *whispers to dave* dude... use the boomarang thingy

10:33 Glenn31

(Emma) : Why are they going so slow?

10:33 TrueCobalion

(Brick) *splashes dave* oops!

10:33 Glenn31

(Kitty) : why does Dave look so... happy?

10:33 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Walking slowly af*

10:33 Glenn31

(Emma) : *gasps* OH NO!

10:33 Lettucecow

(jay) *finishes sculpting mickey*

10:34 The Villainous Vulture


10:34 TrueCobalion

(jo) : HES GOT-

10:34 Lettucecow

(jay) *drags him onto the snowmobile and starts driving*

10:34 TrueCobalion

(Brick) *floors it* WAAAAAAAAH

10:34 Glenn31

(Emma) : Dave...
(Emma) : D-don't even think about it

10:34 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Think about what?

10:34 Lettucecow


10:34 Glenn31

(Emma) : THAT!

10:34 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Facepalm*

10:34 Lettucecow

(skipp) USE IT!

10:34 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Keeps walking*

10:35 Lettucecow

(skipp) .......
(skipp) *conf* I may have made him too relaxed.

10:35 Glenn31

(Don) : Dave get it over with pls

10:35 TrueCobalion


10:35 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Oh no, I have a better idea.

10:35 Lettucecow

(skipp) uh...

10:35 Glenn31

(Emma) : Everyone's getting ahead!

10:35 Lettucecow

(skipp) what?

10:35 TrueCobalion

(Jo) *slow motion because why not* HUUUURRRYYYYYYY

10:35 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Walkin doe*

10:36 Lettucecow

(skipp) *groans and grabs the boomarang* We gotta do this bro
(skipp) *uses it on emma doe*

10:36 Glenn31

(tip) : Get to Oslo City Hall and find one of the ice busts of Don hidden inside
(Emma) : ...
(Emma) : Well fuck
(Kitty) :  ;(

10:36 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : Bruh, I was gonna do that right before they reached the finish line.

10:36 TrueCobalion

(Jo) *makes it to da donbox*

10:36 Lettucecow

(skipp) That'd be messed up

10:36 Glenn31

(Don) : Actually, once they got to City Hall, they'd be inelligable

10:36 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : And you ruined it. Fuck off. *Goes*

10:37 Glenn31

(Kitty) : *starts again* We're the only team here!

10:37 Lettucecow

(jay) *grabs a tip* city hall huh? *they run there*

10:37 TrueCobalion

(Brick) *runs inside the city hall* Not the only team!

10:37 The Villainous Vulture

(jared) : *Skies into City hall* JWHGDYEJSNBFVGEHJCHFGE

10:37 Lettucecow

(vin) *runs over the twins*

10:37 TrueCobalion

(Jo) Yea Kitty!

10:37 Glenn31

(Don) : For this All-In, teams must find one of the 8 ice busts of my beautiful face inside Oslo City Hall

10:37 Lettucecow

(billy)  :/

10:37 The Villainous Vulture

(jared) : *Pulls one out of his pocket* You mean this?

10:37 Glenn31

(Kitty) : *doing it with a chainsaw tbh* Come onnn!

10:37 Lettucecow

(mickey) oww...

10:37 Glenn31


10:38 Lettucecow

(jay) *laughs*
(vin) jeez, did I step on your head too hard? 
(jay) Oh. um...sure.

10:38 Glenn31

(Emma) : *conf* I think this is.. the end of the line for us
(Kitty) : *conf* I can't believe it!

10:38 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Find the face tbh*

10:38 Glenn31

(tip) : Chill Zone, now, hurry up

10:38 TrueCobalion

(Jo) *checking the paintings* This painting has a familiar face

10:39 The Villainous Vulture

(Dave) : *Gets there tho*

10:39 Glenn31

(Don) : Dave and Skipp arrive first!
(Kitty) : *finishes* Come on!

10:39 Lettucecow

(billy) *finds the face, bit slips out of his hand*

10:39 TrueCobalion

(Brick) Its the don! RUN! *grabs the ice don and runs*

10:39 The Villainous Vulture

(jared) : *Gets there with the ice face too*

10:39 TrueCobalion

(Jo) *chillzone*
(Brick) *chillzone with da face*

10:39 Glenn31

(Don) : Jared 2nd, Brick and Jo 3rd

10:39 The Villainous Vulture

(Jared) : Teh blubs

10:39 Lettucecow

(jay) *catches it* Thanks! THE AGREEMENT IS WORKING OUT GREAT! *they run to the chillzone* 

10:39 TrueCobalion

(Jo) Wow

10:39 Lettucecow

(vin) *jawdrop*

10:39 Glenn31

(Don) : Twins 4th
(Amy) : *finds dah face*
(Amy) : *runs af*
(Brianna) : *crosses the chill zone with the bust* DADDY BOUGHT ME ONE!

10:40 TrueCobalion

(Jo) *conf* My money's on Billy and Vin leaving

10:40 Glenn31

(Don) : White Girls 5th
(Amy) : *arrives in style lol*
(Don) : Amy and Zoey 6th

10:40 Lettucecow

(vin) *looking for a face* DAMN THOSE PATHETIC FELIX CLONES!
(billy) Yep.

10:40 Glenn31

(Don) : There's only two teams out there, and one's got an insane lead*
(Emma) : Come on! Start!

10:41 Lettucecow

(billy) FOUND ONE! 

10:41 Glenn31

(Emma) : *trying to start the snowmobile* WORST DAY EVER!

10:41 Lettucecow

(vin) *hi fives billy* NICE! *they run to the chillzone*

10:41 Glenn31

  • it starts and rockets to Oslo doe*
(Don) : Vin and Billy, 7th

10:41 TrueCobalion

(Jo) *conf* Fuck

10:41 Glenn31

(Amy) : ...
(Amy) : Dave did it
(Emma) : *grabs a face*

10:42 TrueCobalion

(Brick) Did what?

10:42 Glenn31

(Don) : Emma and Kitty, I'm sorry, but everyone else has arrived
(Emma) : Wh-what?
(Don) : And I'm sorry to say this is the end of the line. You're cut from the race
(Emma) : ....
(Emma) : We did ok, I guess?
(Kitty) : We should'e gone further
(Emma) : Oh well. At least we got this fa-... what's that?

10:43 Lettucecow

  • a helicopter lands at the chillzone and a voice is heard yelling*

10:43 Glenn31

(Emma) : Huh

10:43 Lettucecow Bob: VIN! YOU LITTLE RATSHIT!

(vin) what the...

10:43 Glenn31

(Don) : Um... can we help you?

10:44 Lettucecow (bob) DERN RIGHT YOU CAN! 10:44 Glenn31

(Don) : Um, you are?

10:44 Lettucecow bob: VIN'S UNCLE 10:44 Glenn31

(Don) : O
(Don) : Well, we don't really allow family visits

10:44 Lettucecow bob: bob's the name! he joined without me knowing! I TOLD HIM NOT TOO! YOUR DONE MISTER~!

(vin) what...
(billy) Didn't ya tell him?

10:44 Glenn31

(Don) : But if you wanna take him then...

10:44 Lettucecow (bob) *grabs them both and shoves them in the helicopter* 10:44 Glenn31

(Don) : ....
(Don) : Good enough for me
(Don) : Emma, Kitty, you're back in the race!
(Emma) : ....

10:45 The Villainous Vulture


10:45 Glenn31

(Emma) : YES!

10:45 Lettucecow

(skipp) ..........*faints*

10:45 Glenn31

(Emma) : HA! HA HA HA HA HA!

10:45 Lettucecow dont' forget about vin and billy's interveiw tho 10:45 Glenn31


10:45 The Villainous Vulture


10:45 Glenn31


10:45 The Villainous Vulture

(Jared) : NO ONE CARES!

10:45 Glenn31

(Emma) : *walks off quite happy with herself tbh*
(Amy) :  (twitch)

10:46 Lettucecow

(billy) hey hey hey, it's alright, we did great!
(vin) We did beat the shit out of everyone!
(billy) thats what I'm talking about!

10:46 Glenn31 except the final 7 oops 10:46 Lettucecow

(vin) Guess you're right.
(billy) and we saw a lot of places, with my best bud!
(vin) true, you're pretty gr-


(vin) YES SIR.
(billy) *salutes*

10:47 Glenn31

(Don) : Another one bites the dust
(Don) : But who's next? Stay tuned to find out on...
(Don) : The Ridonculous Race!